Saturday, 5 June 2010

Boston bound

We're on the bus to Boston having had a crazy11days in new York. It has to be said that my iPod touch I'd a god send, helping me navigate to different dance studios etc. I workshopped dances with a choreographer in Brooklyn, tool salsa class, a modern class and a ballet class. I also DOD the best work out class ever called boogie box. It burns 1,100 calories per hour and i's not yet in the I'm so I may get certified in it in California and bring it back!
We've seen all the sights and been tourists and I have fallen in love with new York and am definately moving after I graduate! We've hadsome crazy nights out too Thursday especially: our friend from Australia randomly bumped into guys he went to school with, one of whom is a promoter for clubs so we had a free night out at a high end new York club. Gooood times! Aside from the clubbing and tourist things we hung out in central park a lot which was lovely and AMA was here which was even better:-) I've just finalied all our hostels and buses and who we're staying with when so am looking forward to boston! When I get to a computer I will finally upload pictures. Hope everryone's well and you're enjoying the sun x x

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